Product Review - Remote View (& change)
400times Hot Product
Version Tested |
3.11 |
Earliest OS/400
Release |
V3R1/V3R6 |
400times Score |
9/10 |
So Cool - It Hurts!
Question: What’s the main source of problems
for your IT department? If you cried "Our users!" you
may be right. Well you can’t expect them to be computer literate,
but many of them have a hard enough time trying to explain what their
problems are, let alone solve them.
Here's what you can count on: It’s month-end and you
need everyone off pronto before starting backups. Or perhaps you
need users out of an application to install an urgent change. Call
them, send them break messages etc. - you can bet that many are away from
their desks or have gone home. So what do you do? Cancel their
jobs, creating a probable database mess to fix later. If only you
could be where they are.
Enter Remote View.
View is a support tool that lets you monitor the contents of, and take
control over remote displays, even without the knowledge of the user involved.
A super snooper’s dream!
With the Change functionality you can answer
error messages, jump people out of programs, or even sign them off safely.
This is very much akin to PC Anywhere functionality, but for your favorite
Take a look at these features copied from the Remote
View web site:
With Remote View you can -
- Assist users that cannot explain properly over
the phone
- See and answer error messages on other people's
- Monitor suspect users - without their knowledge
- Train users remotely by following their keystrokes
on your screen
You can also -
- Back users out of record and object locks - without
their assistance.
- Shut down interactive jobs safely - without canceling
- Assist with change management - close active
programs so you can move new versions up.
- Remotely take over the system console to kick
off a System Save
- Sort all jobs via active program or elapsed
time for easy shut down at day end.
- Capture emulated sessions - even those locked
by a screen-saving password!
So Easy - It's Painful!
This is really easy. Fire up the Remote
View/Change command (RVC) then enter a generic or actual device/user name.
You are presented with a list of matching jobs showing who’s signed on,
what program they’re in and how long since each device was used.

From here you can select a device
to View or Change. The fantastic thing is there is no indication
that any acquiring of devices has taken place. Of the two images
below, spot the real QPADEV0002!

That's right! The bottom image has
been acquired by the top image, which is running the command. This
is identified to the acquirer by the reverse image F1=Exit. You
will notice that everything else is a direct copy right down to time.
Now try typing some input and pressing function keys. The other
screen will respond like you were typing directly on its keyboard!
To get out you press F1 - a gotcha at first,
if you press F3 it exits the other screen instead.
You can
download a demo version that is fully functional except that parts of
the display are obscured and Change mode is restricted to QSECOFR.
So ask for a trial code and they’ll e-mail you one. There are also
some on-line animations you can watch to see how it works.
Not all functions have been tested but it
was good fun signing off various sessions safely from another session,
and without warning! Also, it was very rewarding executing commands
that the remote session responded to.
It's easy, quick, requires no additional
software, runs very well and solves a myriad of problems.
This is one amazing item. I wish I'd
had it when I needed it.
An evaluation copy can be downloaded from:
I would also like to direct you to this link to read
Don Rima's view of Remote View for AS/400